Effective learning begins with a strong sense of self. Our culture and community. Our sense of excellence and achievement. Our belief in what young scholars can accomplish. This is how Harvest Best Academy is unleashing potential and transforming communities.


Our School

A place where a strong sense of self and support helps young scholars thrive.


Who We Are

We are a tuition-free public charter school born of the North Side community.


For Our Scholars and Parents

Calendars, transportation, policies, lunch menus and more.



March 7-March 17, 2025: No School, Spring Break

Monday, March 20, 2025: The Board of Directors will hold a special meeting to consider and potentially take action regarding allegations or charges against an employee and pending litigation.  All or portions of the meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 13D.05.  The meeting may be closed for preliminary consideration of allegations or charges against an employee pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 13D.05, subd. 2(b).  The meeting also may be closed under the attorney-client privilege for purposes of discussing pending or threatened litigation under Minnesota Statutes, section 13D.05, subdivision 3(b).The Board of Directors also may take action with respect to personnel matters in open session. The Board of Directors may also take action with regard to the threatened litigation. This meeting will take place at 5pm.

March 21, 2025: Full Day Friday

March 25, 2025, 5:30pm-7:00pm: Harvest Best Academy Board of Directors Meeting ~View Agenda HERE~

March 26, 2025: Spring Picture Day (Out of Uniform) Order at using Picture Day ID: EVT8TGZ4N

March 28, 2025: Full Day Friday

March 31, 2025: No School for Students and Staff

April 4, 2025: Parent-Teacher Conferences 1pm-6pm (Student release at 12:15pm)

April 11, 2025: Full Day Friday